The next morning she rose early, dressed carefully, and made use of some of the hints on make-up she had learned the previous afternoon at the beauty parlor. After breakfast she was ready to keep her appoint- ments at the two schools she had picked out to aid her in adjusting to a feminine world.
She felt none of the nervousness and embarrassed feeling she had had the day before, but boldly walked out on the street, and waited at a bus stop for a bus to take her downtown. She knew she looked as well as most of the women she encountered, and considerably better than many. She experienced no difficulty in getting on the bus. The bus driver seemed surprised that she had her fare ready and didn't hold up the other passengers while fishing around in her bag for the right amount as most women do.
Lydia realized she would have to guard against unconsciously using some of Hank's mannerisms. The last thing she wanted to be was a woman with masculine traits and gestures. Somehow she had acquired a beautiful feminine body and looks and she wanted to show all she met that it was appreciated.
She loved the feel of her new clothes. She couldn't understand, why some women Hank had known, complained about how uncomforta- ble their clothes were to wear. She thought her clothes were much more comfortable than Hank's masculine clothing and were certainly more attractive.
As she sat in the bus among the other passengers she was delighted with the amazing feeling of well being she had. Already she had enough of a women's instinct to know she was well dressed, and made a good appearance, and it gave her an immense feeling of pride and satisfaction, a feeling that Hank had never had. He had been a careless dresser and had never felt any pride in his clothes or paid much atten- tion to his appearance. But Lydia would be different, there would be no run down heels or stockings with crooked seams and runs, or any other indications of a sloppy looking female about her. She walked the few blocks from the bus to the business school with an assurance she had not had the day before.
The woman in charge of the school was a severe looking middle aged lady, dressed in a tweed suit, and low heeled "sensible" shoes with a school-marm expression written all over her. She informed Lydia, that the school, in her opinion, which left no room for doubt, was